What Could Be Causing Your Website To Not Rank well On The Search Engine Pages

By Leonardo Endo

Have you been wondering why your website's search engine rank remains to be disgustingly low in spite of actively tweaking different stuff here and there from within your webpages? Although there maybe over a dozen tiny little details that you could be leaving out, believe it or not, there are only a few major incorrect SEO practices that are seriously responsible for keeping most websites from ranking well on the search engine result pages.

The good news is, you don't have to become a SEO guru just to be able to achieve your goal of getting high search rankings for your website. The truth is, there are some major factors that strongly influence your website ranking. The bad news is, most website owners do not perform these factors the right way, if they even perform them at all. These major factors are as follow:

Forgetting to fill up the title tags in the pages

This is surely a major SEO mistake. The title tag of your page is one of the most important parts of your webpage in regards to search engine optimization. The way search engines determine the rankings of websites on the search result pages is through the reports they receive from search engine spiders. These spiders crawl your website thoroughly and then report back to search engines whatever data they have acquired on your webpages.


And one of the very first important data they find on your webpage is its title. This means that if you have the keyword written in your title, then the search engines will now have a good clue on what that webpage is all about.

Putting more emphasis on web design rather than the content

A lot of website owners like to overstuff their webpages with heavy designs such as flashy graphics and animations. Don't get me wrong, a good webpage graphic or design will certainly help in attracting visitors particularly in giving them a good browsing experience. However, the bigger problem is, how can people appreciate your website if they don't even have a way of finding it.

While it is a good idea of creating your website to impress people, you should not forget that you also need to impress the search engines cause they are your primary means for people to find your site. And search engines depend heavily on the content of your webpages.

Meaning, they take into full consideration the text they find in your webpages. So, the less relevant text you have on your pages, the lesser clue they will find on which keyword search results they should rank your pages for.

Lack of keyword focus on the site content

Just like a nomad who has no particular home to rest his feet, search engines regard websites that talk about almost everything under the sun and has no specific subject to talk about, in that same manner. Let's take the grocery store as an example wherein you will find things organized per section according to brand or product item.

This is of course so that people can easily find what they're looking for. If you do your grocery quite regularly, then there could be a big probability by now that you know exactly which section of the grocery store you should go to when looking for a specific product.

Would you go to a section where there is a variety of different items in there rather than a soap section if you're looking to buy a bathing soap? Same way goes for the search engines when determining which set of keyword niches to rank your webpage for if your page focuses on no particular topic or keyword.


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