Clickbank Pirate Review and Feedback
Clickbank Pirate Review
I have decided to write another article focused on my own opinion of a Clickbank Pirate Review.
I have searched the Internet and have come across several Click bank Pirate purchasers blogs, articles, CB Pirate Review sites and comments regarding the Clickbank Pirate Auto-Pilot System.
I cannot believe some of the things that I have read! Some really good and fantastic but a couple of really negative comments that I would like to address here.
For starters, Congrats to everyone in the CB Pirate family who put in some work to make this produce results for you! And for those who have not reached their goals yet, keep on working! You will see results with Clickbank Pirate in the near future. Do NOT give up!!!
Now, for those other comments regarding some issues with CB Pirate? I do have to say a few things here. I do not know your situation and do not know exactly why you are failing with this program but there are a couple of ideas I am probably right about:
Now, Before I mention this, I do not want you to think that I am this "Almighty Internet Marketing GURU" that knows all because even though I have been using CB Pirate now for a little over 4 years, I am still learning from some mistakes. But, the good news is DO READ what I have to say below so you do NOT have to make the same mistakes both I made and some of the other CB Pirate members as well:
1. Do You Need Money or Are You Required To Buy Additional Stuff When You 1st Join?
The answer is NO. I hear around the Internet that people have lost money spending it on advertising with Clickbank Pirate. Yes, that is your choice if you want to do this but you 100% do NOT have to spend a dime!
( "...The ONLY $ I have ever spent on CB Pirate was to have one of my articles I personally wrote to be published in an article marketing submission service and it did not prove any results for me..." )
Now, What I suggest to do is write some good, quality, unique content articles about CB Pirate. Look around at what some others are writing and get some ideas from their articles but DONT copy and paste their articles onto your site!
This is a huge NO NO especially in the eyes of Google. Your site WILL get penalized for "Duplicate Content" and I can almost guarantee that your site will never reach page one of Google. It will be buried on page 28 somewhere in cyberspace where NO ONE will ever read it! If you are doing this, I highly recommend you STOP, Delete, and Start over fresh.
2. Work Ethics For CB Pirate - Do I Have to Work 24/7...?
The answer is, again, NO!
What I do recommend is that you DO put in some hard work in the beginning ( to get it over with ) and then write a new article maybe once a week afterwards.
Eventually, you will reach a point where you are getting good, quality, targeted traffic for your Clickbank Pirate Blog and then you can either slow down a bit and/or continue to write some NEW material for you site every other week.
( "...When I 1st started, I was horrible at following directions! I wanted to do everything MY WAY. I soon learned after a few months that this was the WRONG WAY to do things..." )
You see folks, CB Pirate is designed to literally "Hold you by the hand" and guide you through on what and what NOT to do but you have to follow their directions!
The best part of Clickbank Pirate is that once you do start getting a decent flow of traffic and people start signing up, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING TO SELL THEM!!!!
Clickbank Pirate is designed to where all you have to do is get the traffic to your Web site or Blog and then let The CB Pirate Headquarters take over. They will do all of the email marketing and selling to your subscribers! Sounds pretty cool, huh?
3. Don't Give Up!
Never Ever give up if you want this to work. I can almost promise you that the majority of people, especially new affiliate marketers, tend to give up to early due to lack of sales and patients.
( " ...I, too, almost gave up because I thought all I had to do, when I 1st started, was to write an article here and there and then sit back and do NOTHING!..." )
This is false!
There are no programs out there that I know of that allow you to do this no matter what anyone says! Yes, there may be a few obstacles in your way at 1st of making some sales but make sure to follow CB Pirates exact formula and never give up! This is the main reason why I failed in the beginning so DONT let this happen to you. Just believe me on this!
Put in your work early and I promise you the results will come!
" ...Well... I hope this helps any skepticism out there regarding this Clickbank Pirate Review!
Just remember, Follow their instructions, the traffic will come, let the CB Pirate Associates do all the selling for you, never give up and you will do fine!... "
If you have not joined Clickbank Pirate yet, then visit the banner below: