Clickbank Pirate - Making Money With CB Pirate

Clickbank Pirate - Making Money With CB Pirate

Making money with Clickbank Pirate.

If, for some reason, you are having a little trouble starting out, then below are 3 super suggestions to help aid you in your money making entrepreneurship !

1) Have you submitted your website to as many directories as possible?

There are many directories you can submit your pages to (which is a really easy process) but below are some of the really good ones!

***Now, keep in mind, I have been with CB Pirate now for over 4 years and I really feel that you should apply all of these things to your business if you need a kick start***

These would be the list of directories you need to submit to: Alexa, AltaVista, All The Web, AOL, Ask, Bing, DMOZ, Google, Hotbot, Kanoodle, Live, Lycos, LookSmart, MSN, National Directory, Netscape, WebCrawler, and Yahoo.

Remember NOT to Over-Index!  This is a No-No !  What that means is that Only index once and move onto the next one. Always give it some time if you decide to Re-Index your page or site to the same directory.

2) Now, does everything on your site look good and work in different browsers?
As in Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing... as well as other people's computers, laptops or even iphones? It is always recommended to check this out because sometimes your sites do not look so well on another browser or even look weird or completely different on someone elses computer. Do not worry though if this happens!  It is usually a quick fix and some editing or moving around of stuff on your site usually does the trick!

Sometimes what you see when you're viewing your own page online, is actually utilizing information stored on your computer which the rest of the world doesn't have access to at all or can't see just yet. 
Give it time!

Yes, the Internet is lightening fast but indexing can be a little slower so remember this when making edits and try not to make too many edits frequently. If you have to edit your site, (which we all do eventually) try and make as many changes at one time and then update your site to not confuse the index.

3) If your site happens to look good from the start and has been indexed thoroughly and is starting to get some traffic, LEAVE IT ALONE! Let it do it's thing.

Now, I do not mean leave your business alone because you can NEVER have too much traffic. Remember, the more traffic you have, the more MONEY you will make. It is and always will be the same formula! It is a numbers game!

You can have the best looking site on the planet with all of the glitters and gizmos that will just make anyone want to buy what ever it is that you are selling BUT will any of that really matter if there is ZERO traffic coming to your site?

Makes sense, wouldn't you agree?

So, after these 3 steps are finished you can do 1 of 2 things:

1) Nothing (which i will never recommend)  or -

2) Continue to find ways to get traffic to your site/s! (which is what i will ALWAYS recommend!!!)

Yes, Clickbank Pirate is and eventually will be an Auto-Pilot system. All you have to do is get traffic to your sites and let the people at CB Pirate Headquarters take over! THEY will do all of that hard work and try to get your traffic turned into buyers!

Remember: Here are a few ways of getting traffic to your site/s:

Article Writing, Emailing (whether a paid service like Aweber or Free)..., Commenting on other blogs or sites with your link at the bottom (be careful with this and make sure it is allowed before doing so and NEVER over do it! , write an article and submit it to some great article directories like Ezine Articles. ( I have had a lot of success with this and the best part... It is FREE!

Just keep at it folks and have a little patients. Your time will come as long as you stick with it and NEVER give up!