Clickbank Pirate: How Exactly Does it Work?

One of the biggest problems with most "making money online" related CB products is that it is often difficult to understand what exactly the function is at a first glance. You have to simply ignore all the "incredible $8,000 worth of bonuses and free stuff" and other marketing jargon that does not really help you.

Remarkably, the Clickbank Pirate site is pretty clear regarding this. What they do is provide professionally supper designed promotional tools - such as e-mail texts, banners and already made squeeze pages - for certain ClickBank products. As of this moment, the CBPirate members' area contains six "packages", or in other words, a big variety of promo tools for 6 different CB turnkey products. In the beginning, I was presented with a One-Time-Offer to purchase more "packages" for $67, but I decided not to as six is more than enough to promote for me right now (and by the way, they are going to add new ones every month).

Hmmm??" - you might say, "Is it really worth my money paying as much as $47 one-time fee + $27 per month just for a bunch of tips and tools for promoting Clickbank products?" That is the first thing I asked myself as well. It turns out that it is in fact worth it, because the CB Pirate squeeze pages that I mentioned earlier do most of the work for you, 99.9 % - all you have to do is send and guide traffic to them (by means of PPC, or traffic exchanges, or article marketing, which is what i do, for example).

The Clickbank Pirate squeeze pages promote a free, easy to read, report to the visitors. They have very large conversion rates (which means there is a big chance that a visitor will opt-in by entering his or her name and e-mail). After this part is done, the ClickBank Pirate does all the work by sending out e-mails with YOUR links already attached and implemented in the code - so you do NOT have to deal with replying to your potential customers or trying to sell them anything, ever! And the best part is, once you get a customer he becomes tagged as your customer for life, making you money on all follow-up sales as well!

To put it simple:

Signup for Clickbank Pirate
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Send traffic to their squeeze pages
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CBPirate does the rest & you make Cash

And if you are not sure on how to get traffic, Clickbank Pirate can help you here as well. They have a tutorial on getting visitors by various means such as PPC advertising, social bookmarking and traffic exchanges (although there's only a handful of info on every traffic source, so don't expect too much). You do NOT need to purchase a website or any HTML knowledge for this to work - you can even promote using forum or e-mail signatures, article marketing, or whatever else works for you.

That's it for now regarding this Clickbank Pirate review. The main source of power of CBPirate lies in the automated squeeze pages that they provide - and those are HOT!

Real-Life and Proof That CBPirate Works

You CAN achieve very similar results as well!

So you've read this Clickbank Pirate review and you're still not convinced that you should pay $47 for it. Thats ok - $47 is no chump change for me either. CBPirate is an awesome turnkey system, and chances are almost anyone who can send enough traffic can make money with this. However you will NOT make a million overnight if you just sit and do nothing!

Check out the visual on the right - it contains real-life proof that Clickbank Pirate really works. The owners have taken their squeeze pages for a little test drive, and the results were awesome! The coolest part is, anyone can get similar results since you will be using the exact same tools they are!

Get Clickbank Pirate Today !